Wednesday, January 15, 2020

What are require for Schengen Visa Travel Insurance?

Schengen Visa Travel Insurance
Anyone traveling to Europe and applying for a Schengen visa must fulfill the Schengen visa application requirements. One of these requirements is proof of an adequate travel medical insurance policy that follows certain requirements. Adequate Schengen visa travel insurance must:
                     Cover the period of the traveler's stay or transit in the Schengen area (up to 90 days within a 180-day period)
                     Be valid in all Schengen countries
                     Have a minimum coverage amount of EUR 30,000
                     Have a $0 deductible
                     The travel insurance policy also must cover the following in order to meet the Schengen visa insurance requirement:
                     Emergency medical evacuation
                     Urgent medical attention
                     Return of mortal remains
                     Emergency hospital treatment
You may also be required to include a letter from the insurance company with your Schengen visa application mentioning that your insurance policy meets these requirements. The company from which you buy your plan can provide this letter.
Having travel medical insurance is not only important because it is a requirement for some visas and countries, but also because with international travel comes additional risks that you may not typically be faced with at home. Experiencing new and unknown foods, culture and environments can increase your risk of food poisoning and unexpected accidents. Take the risk out of your trip abroad by knowing you're covered with travel medical insurance.
One of the best plans available for travelers to Schengen countries is Europe Travel Plus Insurance. This plan satisfies all necessarily insurance requirements for the Schengen visa and provides your visa letter directly to your inbox, saving you time and stress.

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