Monday, August 8, 2022

What is a Dummy Ticket and Why We need a Dummy Ticket or Flight Reservation for a Schengen visa?


A dummy ticket is simply a Flight Reservation for a visa application. It’s sometimes known as a Flight Itinerary or Flight Reservation and it is a return flight reservation from your home country to your destination of choice and back again. It’s called a dummy ticket because it’s not actually paid for unlike a normal flight ticket. The document gives details about your trip such as dates, length of trip and flight details, but it’s not a confirmed ticket for travel.

When you apply for a Schengen visa, there is no guarantee that your application will be approved, so dummy tickets exist so you can provide the required documents, but also so you don’t lose any money if your application gets rejected.

Why We need a dummy ticket or flight reservation for a Schengen visa?

When you apply for a Schengen visa, you will be asked to provide a list of required documents:

1.       Passport

2.       Photographs

3.       Proof of legal residence

4.       Travel insurance

5.       Return flight reservation

6.       Proof of accommodation

7.       Proof of funds

The above documents are standard for everyone and no matter why you wish to travel to the Schengen area, you will have to provide proof that you have a flight reservation. There are 3 main reasons why this is:

1) Proof that you won’t overstay

The embassy or consulate of the country you plan to visit needs to see proof that you do not plan to overstay or remain illegally in the country you are going to. They will be able to see your date of entry and when you plan to leave the Schengen area. By providing a flight reservation, there will be more chance that your visa application will be approved.

2) The embassy can decide on the start and end dates of the visa

Based on the dates provided by you and the dates that show on the flight reservation/itinerary, the embassy will decide the start and end dates of the visa. Your dummy ticket will show a date when you plan to leave the Schengen area, so this would be the date that your visa would expire. It’s very important that you ensure the dates you have given in all of the documents that you provide match. If they don’t, this could lead to your application being rejected.

3) To ensure you are applying at the correct visa office

The flight reservation specifies the country or countries you are planning on visiting, so the embassy or consulate can be sure if you are applying at the correct office. For example, if you are going to Italy and then onto France, you need to apply at the Italian embassy or consulate in your area.

The European Commission states:

“You must lodge the application for a Schengen visa at the Consulate of the country that you intend to visit, or – if you intend to visit more than one Schengen State, the Consulate of the country where you will spend the longest period.

If you intend to visit several Schengen States and the stays will be of equal length, you must apply at the Consulate of the country whose external borders you will cross first when entering the Schengen area.”

If you’re planning to obtain your Flight Reservation for your visa without paying for the ticket, all you have to do is follow the 3 simple steps below:

1.       Visit the Schengen Visa Itinerary website to choose the right package

2.       Submit the travel details and make the payment online

3.       Receive flight itinerary by email

We also offer Hotel Reservation and affordable Travel Insurance to complete your visa requirements.


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