Friday, June 2, 2023

Can I apply for Schengen visa without travel insurance and why do you need travel insurance?


Without submitting your travel insurance documents, you cannot apply for VISA for Schengen countries. Hence, travel insurance for Schengen visa is the most important requirement to travel to these countries.

Why do you need travel insurance?

When you globetrot, there might be instances where you would find yourself in unfamiliar surroundings and will have to tackle immediate emergencies. The primary reasons as to why a travel insurance plan should be procured is to get assistance during situations like personal accidents, illnesses, hijacking, theft, personal liability expenses or any other travel-based issues, while visiting a new destination. Carrying a Schengen Visa Travel Insurance policy ensures that you do not spend time worrying about handling emergencies and also assures you of making a safe trip abroad.

Given below are some of the key benefits of travel insurance plans -

        Travel Insurance policies offer compensation for flight delays, trip delays, etc., when individuals make long trips abroad.

        Expenses with regards to trip termination is also compensated through travel insurance plans.

        Medical treatments, hospitalization and hotel accommodation for medical emergencies are also included under a travel plan.

        Customers can get customized plans according to the destination they are travelling to. The premium amount varies as per the destination.

        Travel insurance policyholders can also get cover for personal liabilities, accidental death, travel delays, legal expenses, dental treatments, repatriation and emergency reunion.

        Insurers across the country offer 24/7 customer service support to policyholders providing them with assistance for loss of documents, accidents, etc.

We recommend Schengen Visa Itinerary where you can get affordable Travel Insurance and you can get support for most of your visa requirements such as Flight Itinerarieshotel reservations along with free consultation over email. Its services are cheap and genuine, and many people claim it has helped them a lot.



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